The ClayFighter Sculptor’s Cut Musical

Animation short, produced by Lorenzo Volpintesta, 2024.

This animation is a fan recreation of the opening musical number from the 1998 Nintendo 64 game, ClayFighter: Sculptor’s Cut.

The ClayFighter series is beloved for its combination of the fighting game genre and claymation.

In my animated short, I sought to show what a modern ClayFighter game might look like, featuring full-motion, uncompressed animation.

Full animation

Behind the scenes video

Armature maps | Character models

Materials used: -Armature wire -epoxy sculpt -modeling clay -Sugru moldable glue

Unused shot

Behind the scenes

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“It’s gratifying and humbling that people who weren’t even born when the game came out seem to love it. Lorenzo Volpintesta, who created this amazing film just for the love of it.”

- Ken Pontac,

“Lorenzo Volpintesta has recreated the intro for ClayFighter Sculptor’s Cut in real life with actual claymation, portraying some of our favorite clay fighters the way they’ve always been intended - and it looks awesome.”

- Steven Chavez,


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